Uncover how you're feeling through your words.

Daily journalling is a proven way to help you improve your mood over time. Moodal uses Artifical Intelligence to detect your mood through your journal so you can uncover how you're really feeling.


Uncover how you're feeling through your words.



Product Design


How it started

We were approached after the client had been doing 'Morning Pages' for a long time which is a method of putting a stream of thought onto paper. They'd successfully been journalling, but they were having problems.

What was the problem?

While they'd got into the habit of writing each day, they really had no way of tracking their mood over time or seeing what was really bothering them.

What did we do about it?

We designed and user tested an MVP which used Sentiment Analysis to understand the deeper meaning behind what you were writing each day. moodal could understand how you were feeling through your words and highlight issues over time which came up, such as how you felt around a specific person,

What were the results?

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